SCBA General Meeting
Alternative Hives
Date: November 11, 2024; 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: Druids Hall
1011 College Ave - Santa Rosa
This month we will be taking a closer look at, and exploring, "Alternative Hives"
While the Langstroth Hive has become the standard, they are designed with the beekeeper in mind for greater honey production. But what other kinds of hives are out there?
We will be taking a closer look at some of those alternative hives, such Top Bar hives, Layens Hives, Warre Hives, and opening discussion to other styles. We will be looking at the differences in designs, pros and cons, challenges and benefits of other styles of beekeeping.
Join us on November 11 and learn more about various styles of beekeeping and options that are out there.