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sonoma county beekeepers association

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Who We Are

The Sonoma County Beekeepers Association is an educational organization dedicated to the health and well-being of the honey bee and beekeepers alike. 

Emerging from the Sonoma Bee Club, The Sonoma County Beekeepers Association was founded in 1994 and formally incorporated as a 501(c)3 non-profit in 2006.  These twenty-five years have seen SCBA evolve from a handful of curious beekeepers into a strong community organization of nearly five-hundred members. 

With a member-elected, all-volunteer board of directors, and nearly all-volunteer administrative staff, SCBA maintains three robust programs for its membership and surrounding community.  Each program addresses one component of our mission: practicing sustainable beekeeping, educating our community, and improving pollinator habitat.

Each year we deliver hundreds of education presentations in schools and at events, propagate thousands of pollinator-friendly plants, catch and safely hive hundreds of swarms, and provide our membership with ongoing training, education, and social opportunities.  We look forward to improving upon our work with the aim of helping Sonoma County sustain a thriving and healthy honey bee population for years to come.

Contact Us

For all public inquiries, please reach out to the President of the Board of Directors via email at:

president [at] sonomabees [dot] org

The organization can be reached by mail at:

Sonoma County Beekeepers Association

PO Box 98

Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Copyright (c) 2025, Sonoma County Beekeepers Association.  All rights reserved.

Sonoma County Beekeepers Association is a 501 C-3 non-profit EIN# 68-0193325 

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