SCBA General Meeting
Date: March 11, 2024; 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: Druids Hall
1011 College Ave - Santa Rosa
Join us at our General Meeting in March as we resume in-person meetings at the Druid Hall. In-person meetings are a great way to meet other members, see what is going on in the association, and get some new pollinator plants for your garden as Gardening for Bees will be hosting their first plant sale of the year!
In addition, this will be an interesting and exciting meeting as this month we are joined by the newly formed Pollinators Advocacy Alliance (PAA). They will be talking to us about the dangers of Hive Density and the challenges both local beekeepers and the pollinators face in Sonoma County with migratory beekeepers and their practice of over-wintering thousands of hives in Sonoma County. It will be followed by Q&A and open discussion about the issue.